Saturday 7 July 2007

Its my birthday

Well, it was my birthday yesterday. I hate birthdays. They always felt so magical and filled you wth such antisipation, only to be let down right at the last minute. As a kid I never got very much. I suppose it was because there was 4 of us, and money was tight. Don't get me wrong, I was never ungreaful for anything I got, I just felt let down because my mates always got bigger better things and made sure I knew it too. Maybe thats why I always go short for my kids, so they don't feel the same let down and never feel like they have been let down.

I'm not really talking to my mum at the moment, long story really. My dad doesn't particularly care what happens to me, he'd rather side with my prick of an ex over the most stupid of things but hey, I lived without him before, I'm sure as hell I'll be ok without him now!

The day started ok, I opened my cards from the kids and Steve my OH (Other half), my nan, auntie Carol and supruisingly my mum. Why she bothered getting me one and not my youngest I don't know, needless to say I didn't bother putting it up.

Then we waited til my new dress came, its this one , aint it pretty?
I bought some shoes to go with it from New Look, but not sure if I like them still, so may end up going for some more.
So, after that we went through to Sheffield to see OH's nan for a while, we had Bailey with us for once so took him over with us. Stayed there for a bit, came home, watched TV and went to bed so all in all a good day.
Next weekend we are due to go to my nans in Hertfordshire to my auntie Carol's engagement do. I'm dreading the 3 hour coach journey, no way are the kids going to sit still, I may have to invest in some Phenigan. Any suggestions as to keep a 2 year old and a 4 year old entertained whilst on this journey would be gratefully received, answers on a postcard, Thanks.

Sunday 1 July 2007

100 things about me

1. I HATE white chocolate - unless its on a kinder egg

2. I am a mum to 2 little boys

3. I hate confrontations

4. I have terrible IBS

5. I have just done my first year with Open University

6. My hair is getting really long - it needs cutting

7. The last book I read was James Herbert, Can't remember the name of it hehe

8. When I was younger I wanted to be a journalist

9. I don't have a favourite colour

10. I'm not a big fan of coffee

11. I have 10 GCSE's

12. I am 5ft 2

13. I have a sister and 2 1/2 brothers

14. I was born in Norwich

15. My dad was in the RAF

16. I live fairly close to an airport

17. I am scared stiff of wasps

18. I have a major phobia of clowns

19. I can't stand touching fresh meat with my bare hands

20. I got married at 18

21. I got divorced at 20

22. I have a hairless guinea pig

23. I have size 4 1/2 feet

24. My bedroom is purple

25. I can't touch my toes

26. I want to be a Midwife

27. I want a dog

28. My neighbour has a tortoise

29. I read a lot of blogs

30. I live with my partner and boys

31. I hate my house I want to move

31. I am easily bored

32. I am more intelligent than most give me credit for

33. I want a job

34. I just ate a tube of Smarties

35. I am a chocoholic

36. I run my own forum

37. I am a group leader on another forum

38. I have been to a guinea pig show and come 3rd in one class

39. I name my pets either after famous people or well known things

40. I use a laptop to browse the Internet and write my blog

41. I volunteered to do a parachute jump for charity but him indoors won't let me do it

42. We have just has major floods in my area, luckily I wasn't affected

43. My first "proper" job was in Mc Donalds

44. I used to work for BT

45. I will never buy fresh meat from Tesco meat counter again after the watchdog program

46. My middle name is Ann without the e

47. I nicked this idea from another blog - how naughty of me

48. I have had both an Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy

49. I was bullied a lot at school

50. My ideal day would be one without feeling sick

51. If I was someone famous for the day I would be Avril Lavigne - I get told I look like her a lot

52. If I was an animal for the day I would be a cat

53. I burnt myself ironing last night

54. I can't cook

55. I don't like red wine

56. I would love to own a horse one day

57. I would like to visit Egypt and China or Japan before I die

58. I am a member of freecycle

59. I want to see the Spice Girls on tour

60. I have seen Kelly Rowland live

61. I went to Leeds festival in 2001

62. I have a thing about my back being stroked

63. I don't wear anything short eg shorts or skirts because I have stretchmarks to my ankles

64. I am only confident when I'm drunk

65. I rarely get drunk

66. I believe in spiritualism

67. I think aliens exist

68. I don't believe in God

69. I have only ever "prayed" once, when my eldest had to have an emergency operation

70. I had to have an operation on my breast to remove a lump earlier on this year.

71. I'd rather eat KFC than Burger King

72. I hate tomatoes

73. I can't stand to be in the same house as a freshly chopped onion, my eyes water too much.

74. I have put a stone on in the last 6 weeks

75. I eat too much fast food.

76. I use MSN messenger

77. Last book I bought cost me £36.99!

78. I love sloppy songs

79. I can't sing

80. I have over 100 feedback on eBay

81. I rarely wear make up

82. I would love to swim with Dolphins but (see 83)

83. I can't swim

84. As a child the only thing I'd eat was peanut butter sandwiches

85. I have £15 in my purse right now

86. I love watching the soaps

87. I have a mobile contract with 02

88. The only thing I remember from my English lessons in school is onomatopoeia and I still have no idea what it means

89. I can speak basic German

90. I would love to learn sign language

91. I have only been abroad once and it was crap

92. I am a cheese addict

93. I have salad cream with just about everything

94. I LOVE Reeses peanut butter cups

95. If I won the lottery, I'd buy a house, a car lots of open space a few horses and donate the rest to charity

96. I used to bite my fingernails

97. I hate inconsiderate people

98. In an ideal world we'd all be rich

99. I had never really thought about global warming as an issue until the floods started

100. I hate having my picture taken

Friday 29 June 2007

Ok, bit of Philosopy for you

Have any of you ever sat and thought about what would happen, in the grand scheme of things, if you just disappeared? Failed to exist? Ever wondered what life would be like if you took the other route? Did one single thing differently?

Lets say for example, Thatcher was never brought into power? What would the other guy have done differently?

What if I had stayed on at school, had my head screwed on properly and not just chucked it all away, would I be working now? Would I have actually made something of my life instead of creating the next two little geniuses that I have in my two little boys?

I apologise if I appear to be rambling, just being silly I think.

Day 4

Apologies for not updating sooner, I seem to let time run away with me.

Following from day 1's list

8.55 I had half a dozen cheese and chive pringles mmmmmmm with half a glass of cream soda.
at 9.30 my take out arrived. I had a cheeseburger with chips and cheese on top. I am a funny so and so me, I won't eat the bread from this particular delivery place, it has a funny taste to me lol!  and I had a coke with it.

At 10.20 I had a bag of mini cream eggs, my main weakness.

Day 2 was a bad day for me. I felt incredibly sick and had dreadful stomach cramps. I considered taking some of my Motillium but I thought I'd see if it passed on its own, and it did all be it very slowly.

11am 6 digestive biscuits white tea with 1 sugar - strong wind movements

12.45 strong nausea starts to kick in

1.15 half a 25g bag of choc chip cookies - start to feel tired and have strong stomach cramps

4.20 half a tube of the remaining chive pringles - sickness subsiding

5.00 2 jacket spuds with garlic butter and cheese

8.00 2 rashers of bacon1 sausage 2 slices of bread with Lurpak butter and 1/2 tin of baked beans

8.55 25g bag of blackcurrant covered yogurt flakes, 1/2 pint of oasis and a curly wurly

Day 3 I spent the day mainly feeling bloated and crampy. I also felt rather up and down yesterday, I had a bad toilet day and it always affects me badly. I started to feel like I'd never feel "normal" again. Maybe I should just let go of my wanting to be a Midwife and accept the fact I am not going to be able to hold down a proper job again.

Food intake on day 3

9am stomach cramps start

11am 2 slices of fruit toast with Lurpak butter, white tea with sugar.

1.30 small cup of coke from Mc D's and a few fries

3.10 fruit flakes with yogurt 25g

7.30 chicken chasseur mixed veg jacket potato and rice with cheese

7.50 Yakult - I must say, those things taste vile *gag!*

10.20 curly wurly a small glass of pepsi - stomach cramps and wind

Day 4

Aaah, day 4. I have a pounding headache, feel rather disheartened as I have had *another* thanks but no thanks email for a job I applied for, maybe I should just give up.....

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Welcome to my world

Welcome to my blog fellow writers. I have tried many times to write blogs, but got easily bored and quit. Well, this time I'm going to stick for it for one reason and one reason only, to find out what triggers my IBS and find out what its like living with it.

I have been diagnosed with IBS since I was 13. I suffered with stomach cramps and could never put on any weight. Admittedly I fell into anorexia because I thought the stomach cramps were linked to what I was eating so I basically stopped eating. I know now it was wrong, and I probably did myself some damage but I was soon shocked out of it when I collapsed during a cross country race and was rushed to hospital.

I am now 22 (23 shortly) and have had a definite diagnosis of IBS through means of a colonoscopy (not nice, let me tell you) My symptoms became worse shortly before the birth of my 2ND son in 2005 so I had more tests. Coeliacs disease, Lyme's disease, diabetes amongst some I was tested for all came back negative.

I have been put on Dosulepin and it seems to be helping. Its main use if for depression but its an old use is for the symptoms of IBS. I have put on almost a stone since being on the tablets woohoo! So something must be working, I am now 7st 3lb as of yesterday.

To try and find out what is causing some of the other rather unpleasant symptoms I was refered to a dietition. I've to keep a food diary for the next week and see the dietitian in another month (quite tempted to keep a months worth of diary for a closer look). The outcome of the food diary is to try and eliminate certain "trigger" foods.

This is today's entry so far

At 11am I had 4 slices of fruit toast with Lurpak butter mmmmmmmm yummy
I had a Yakult afterwards on advice of the dietitian, it was a bit strange but OK.
And a cup of peppermint tea - first time I tried it and its pretty foul.

2.30 pm I had a ham and cheese baguette, 1/2 a picnic bar and 200ml of Dr Pepper.

4.50 pm I had 100ml orange flavoured water

at 5.50 I had 25g pack of chocolate chip biscuits

I am now debating what to have for tea, hmmmm. Take out or cook tough call